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This Is How Electronic Signature Authentication Works

Companies are increasingly using electronic signatures to increase efficiency and mobility. But do you know how to authenticate an electronic signature?

In the past, signatures were made with ink on paper, making it difficult to sign and send documents remotely. With the advent of electronic documents and the Internet, electronic signatures have become a popular and efficient way to sign and send documents online.

In this article, we'll discuss what an electronic signature is, how important it is to authenticate electronic signatures, and what different methods can be used to authenticate.

What is An Electronic Signature?

A electronic signature, also known as e-signature, is a digital presentation a traditional signature that is used to sign documents and agreements electronically. E-signatures provide a convenient and secure way to sign and send documents online, eliminating the need for paper documents and personal signatures. They are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and government.

How Do Electronic Signatures Work?

There are various methods for creating electronic signatures, each offering a certain level of security and compliance with local laws and regulations. Let's take a look at some of the most common ways to create electronic signatures and how they work.

  1. Simple electronic signature (SES): This is a simple form of electronic signature that allows you to type in your name or use a handwritten signature image. This type of electronic signature is often used for informal documents and does not provide a high level of security.
  2. Advanced electronic signature (AES): To confirm the identity of the signer, this type of electronic signature uses digital certificates and biometric data. It offers a higher level of security than a traditional electronic signature and is commonly used for legal and financial documents. The process for creating an advanced electronic signature generally comprises the following steps:
  • The signer must issue a digital certificate that contains information about the signer's identity.
  • A biometric signature, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition
  1. Qualified electronic signature (QES): This type of electronic signature is the most secure and legally enforceable in many countries. To ensure the legitimacy of the signer and the document, a qualified certificate and advanced technology are used, such as a secure signature creation device (SSCD) or a secure signature card (SSC). This process requires two keys:
  • a private key that the signer uses to sign the document
  • A public key that is used to verify the signature
In this article Learn more about the various types and benefits of electronic signatures and a modern alternative for signing contracts.

How Do You Authenticate Electronic Signatures?

There are various ways to authenticate electronic signatures, and the best method depends on your organization's specific needs. Here are some common ways to authenticate electronic signatures:

1. Digital certificates

  • Digital certificates are electronic documents that contain information about the identity of the person signing the document and a public key that can be used to verify the signature. Digital certificates are issued by a trusted third party, such as a certification authority, and can be verified using a digital signature verification program.

    When the user signs the document, the signature is created by hashing the document with the signer's private key. The signature is then attached to the document together with the signer's certificate.

2. Passwords

  • Passwords are a simple and easy way to authenticate electronic signatures. The person signing the document must enter a password before the signature can be completed. This password is then checked by the software or system that receives the signature to ensure that the correct person is signing the document.

3. Biometric data

  • Biometric signatures are captured using a biometric device such as a fingerprint scanner or handwriting recognition device. The signature is then verified against a database of biometric data to ensure that the correct person is signing the document.

    Biometric signatures are generally considered very secure because they are based on unique physical features that are difficult to copy or steal.

4. Two-factor authentication

  • Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security by asking the signer to provide two forms of identification. This could be a password and a fingerprint, or a password and a one-time code that is sent to a phone number.

5. Timestamp

  • Timestamping is a method of recording the time and date of the signature. This makes it possible to prove that the signature was made at a specific point in time and to prevent the document from being falsified after it was signed.

Regardless of which method you use to authenticate electronic signatures, it's important to remember that the electronic signature itself should always be valid and legally enforceable. This can be achieved by choosing a reliable service provider, implementing robust security measures, and keeping accurate records of all electronic signatures, such as Contract software, reach out.


Authenticating electronic signatures is an important step to ensure the security and legitimacy of electronic documents and agreements. It protects sensitive and personal information, prevents fraud, ensures compliance with legal and regulatory standards, and promotes trust in electronic transactions. To ensure that the electronic signature is valid and legally enforceable, it is necessary to choose a trustworthy service provider, take strict security measures, and keep complete records of all electronic signatures.

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