Many software platforms overwhelm their users with complicated software and a lack of service. However, we at won't leave you alone.
Schedule a free demoSpend less time waiting for implementation and streamline your processes from day one. Start with more efficient processes on the very first day.
Business often can't wait. That's why you can configure your contracts and processes completely autonomously at any time and whenever you want.
The competent onboarding teams at will help you get started in the world of contract automation at any time.
Documents without automation are like eating without salt. Our legal engineering team helps you automate documents even after onboarding.
Our support team is always just a click away when you need it. Call us or chat with us directly in the application.
We are also available to help you upload existing old contracts and are happy to upload and evaluate them so that your entire contract library is centrally and securely available.
We make it as easy as possible for you to get started with the application. With our training courses, you and your employees will become contract automation experts in no time.
In einem ersten Kick-of-Meeting ermitteln wir alle relevanten vertraglichen Prozesse, die von einer Automatisierung profitieren würden. Wir stellen eine Menge Fragen, während Sie sich zurücklehnen und den Prozess genießen können.
Sobald wir Ihre relevanten Verträge identifiziert haben, konvertiert unsere KI Ihre bestehenden Word-Dokumente in ein maschinenlesbares Format, das auf zum Einsatz kommt. Unser Legal Engineering Team stellt sicher, dass unsere KI nichts übersehen hat.
Unser erfahrenes Team von Legal Engineers scannt Ihre Inhalte zusätzlich hinsichtlich optionaler Klauseln, bedingten Text und Platzhalter und macht erste Vorschläge zur Implementierung.
The modern software architecture of allows you to continue using the tools that your teams and clients already rely on. As part of the automation process, our legal engineering teams identify key parameters that need to be retrieved from other databases and match them with the corresponding fields and placeholders in
As soon as the content and processes for automation have been set up for the first time, we plan online training with your teams to ensure that all employees are able to use services.
Would you like to send your first contracts to a list of contacts? We have the solution for you. Our legal engineering team imports your contact lists directly from your CRM system or an Excel spreadsheet.
Our experienced team of legal engineers can also help you prepare your contract for various scenarios. Alternative clauses for various scenarios can help your team with difficult negotiations or avoid negotiations altogether.
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