Goal setting
Review and Approval

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Are you facing the challenge of aligning your legal department's efforts with corporate goals? Is it difficult for you to effectively measure and track your team's progress? If so, then you are not alone. Many lawyers are struggling with these problems and are looking for a clear roadmap to set measurable goals that promote success.

Setting goals is an essential part of effective management and plays a crucial role in success. It is even more important for legal departments as it allows them to prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and focus on key goals. However, setting vague or unclear goals can hinder progress and lead to frustration. It is therefore important to set measurable goals that provide a clear direction and enable meaningful evaluation.

What is a “Measurable Goal”?

A goal becomes measurable when it can be quantified or evaluated based on certain criteria. This includes setting clear indicators or metrics that you can use to track progress and determine whether the goal has been achieved. Measurable goals answer questions such as “How much?” or “How many?” and provide concrete evidence of progress. When you set measurable criteria, you can objectively evaluate your performance and determine whether adjustments or improvements are needed.

Let's say the legal department wants to improve its contract review process. In order to make this goal measurable, they can define specific criteria and metrics. For example, the aim could be to reduce the average time for reviewing contracts from 10 to 5 days within the next three months.

To track their progress, the legal department would measure the time it takes to review each contract and calculate the average audit time. This allows them to assess how efficiently they are completing the exams and identify areas that are causing delays. Based on this measurement, bottlenecks can be identified and strategies can be implemented to streamline the workflow, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the contract review process.

Understanding SMART Goals

SMART goals are based on a goal-setting framework, which stands for the following terms:

  • Specific: When you set goals, it's important that you know exactly what you want to achieve. Vague goals are not effective and make it difficult to measure progress or take appropriate action. By clearly defining your goals, you create a goal that is easier to target.
  • Measurable: Defining measurable criteria allows you to assess your performance, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate milestones along the way.
  • Achievable (Attainable): To maintain motivation and avoid frustration, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals. While it is important to set yourself high goals, unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and demotivation. Ensuring that your goals are achievable will keep you focused and confident that you'll be successful.
  • Relevant (Realistic): Means that your goals are consistent with your overall goals, values, and aspirations. When goals are relevant, they have a significant impact on your life or work. By considering the relevance of your goals, you can effectively prioritize and ensure that your efforts contribute to your larger vision.
  • Time-bound: Without a deadline, goals lose urgency and momentum. Time-bound goals have a specific time frame within which they should be achieved. Setting deadlines creates a sense of accountability and helps you stay on track by setting clear milestones along the way.

This methodology provides a clear and precise framework for defining goals and makes them feasible and effective.

Applying Smart Goals in Legal Departments

Specific goals for legal departments

  • Determining the scope: In order to set specific goals, legal departments must first define the scope of their work. This requires defining the fundamental responsibilities and functions of the department, such as contract management, regulatory compliance, litigation, or regulatory matters. By precisely defining the scope of responsibility, legal departments can focus on formulating goals that are consistent with their own requirements.
  • Improving regulatory compliance: An important goal of legal departments is to improve compliance with legislation. This means they must set goals to ensure strict compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies. Some specific examples of goals in this area could include improving regulatory compliance training programs, conducting regular audits, and implementing robust systems to monitor compliance. By pursuing these goals, legal departments can proactively maintain the highest standards of regulatory compliance while protecting the integrity of the company.
  • Improving case management: This involves setting goals in connection with increasing efficiency in processing legal matters, reducing case resolution times and improving communication with internal and external stakeholders. By streamlining case processing processes, legal departments can increase their overall efficiency and better support their organizations. This not only leads to better results, but also strengthens the department's ability to meet the changing needs of its customers or internal teams.
  • Streamlining contract processes: This includes reducing the time for contract review and approval, standardizing contract templates, implementing contract management software, and improving contract negotiation strategies. By improving contract processes, legal departments can optimize their work processes and contribute to the overall efficiency of the company. This not only saves valuable time and resources, but also ensures a smoother process and higher productivity throughout the department.

Measurable goals for legal departments

  • Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs): To ensure that goals are measurable, legal departments should key performance indicators (KPIs) determine which are consistent with their goals. This can include indicators such as the number of successfully completed cases, the percentage of contracts reviewed within a specific time frame, or the compliance assessment achieved during audits. By actively tracking KPIs, legal departments can effectively measure progress and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enables better decision-making and enables the department to make strategic adjustments to achieve optimal results.
  • Introduction of success metrics: This means setting clear and measurable goals that can be pursued over time. For example, a legal department could aim to reduce litigation costs by 20% within a year or improve contract review efficiency by reducing the average audit time by 30%. By setting these measurable goals, legal departments can monitor their progress and assess the impact of their efforts.
  • Using data analytics: By using technology and analyzing data-driven insights, legal departments can study trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. Data analysis helps evaluate the effectiveness of legal strategies, resource allocation, and regulatory compliance, and provides valuable information

Attainable goals for legal departments

  • Set realistic goals: Factors such as budget, staffing, and external restrictions must be taken into account. By setting achievable goals, legal departments can maintain motivation, avoid frustration, and increase the likelihood of success. It is important to strike a balance between ambitious goals and practical feasibility.
  • Improved resource allocation: The main goal of improved resource allocation is to ensure that the legal department works efficiently and effectively while maximizing the value it provides to the organization. By carefully allocating resources, including budget, personnel, technology, and time, the department can better manage its workload, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines.
  • Optimizing workflows and processes: This can be achieved by introducing tools to automate workflows, improving communication channels, and standardizing procedures. By regularly evaluating and improving work processes, legal departments can increase their efficiency and effectiveness and ensure that tasks are completed smoothly and on time.

Relevant goals for legal departments

  • Alignment with corporate goals: Legal departments must have a clear understanding of the company's strategic priorities and challenges. They should then develop goals that directly contribute to the overall success of the company. By aligning their legal goals with overall corporate goals, legal departments can highlight their value and ensure that their efforts are relevant and effective.
  • Dealing with legal risks and challenges: Legal departments play a crucial role in identifying and managing legal risks that could impact the company. It is important that they set goals specifically designed to address these risks to ensure compliance and protect the interests of the company. For example, legal departments can set goals for carrying out thorough risk assessments, developing proactive risk mitigation strategies, or improving legal due diligence processes.
  • Adapting to regulatory changes: The legal landscape is constantly evolving, and new regulations and legal requirements arise regularly. It is important for legal departments to keep pace with these changes and adjust their goals accordingly. This may include setting goals that focus on monitoring legislative updates, implementing compliance measures, or developing strategies to address new legal challenges.

Time-bound goals for legal departments

  • Establishing timetables and deadlines: By setting specific time frames for completing tasks and milestones, legal teams can maintain focus and effectively track their progress. Time-bound goals create a sense of urgency and encourage proactive action so that initiatives are not delayed indefinitely.
  • Setting priorities for time-critical issues: To effectively prioritize time-critical issues within a specific time frame, legal departments should assess the urgency of each issue and set clear deadlines for resolving them. By evaluating the significance and potential consequences of these matters, legal teams can allocate resources accordingly and ensure that critical tasks are completed promptly.
  • Introduction of project management techniques: Start by creating a detailed plan that outlines the project's goals, tasks, and milestones. Provide the necessary resources, such as personnel and technology, to implement it. Set a realistic timeline with clear deadlines for each phase of the project. Monitor progress regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure the project stays on track. By following these steps, legal departments can effectively implement project management techniques, streamline their workflows, and achieve their goals within the given time frame.

5 Examples of Measurable Goals for Legal Departments

Setting measurable goals is essential for legal departments to demonstrate their value and contribute to the company's success. By setting measurable benchmarks, legal departments can tailor their efforts to the overall corporate strategy.

1. Reducing legal costs

Controlling and reducing legal costs while maintaining the quality of legal services is an important goal for legal departments. They can achieve this by implementing cost-saving strategies, such as negotiating beneficial fee agreements with external law firms, streamlining internal processes, and using technology. By setting a measurable goal to reduce spending on legal advice by a certain percentage, they can monitor their progress and identify areas that require further cost optimization.

2. Improved contract management

Efficient contract management is crucial for legal departments, as contracts govern important business relationships. By implementing Contract management software legal departments can benefit from centralized contract repositories, automatic notifications for important milestones and standardized contract templates. These measures significantly increase efficiency, minimize errors and ensure compliance with contractual obligations. In simpler terms, effective contract management systems and practices help legal departments save time, improve accuracy, and fulfill their obligations in a reliable and organized way.

3. Minimize the risks of litigation

Legal departments play a critical role in managing and reducing the risks associated with litigation for the company. To do this, they carry out thorough risk assessments to identify areas where the company could face potential legal problems. On the basis of these assessments, legal departments develop proactive legal strategies. This includes the introduction of policies and procedures aimed at avoiding disputes from the outset, carrying out careful investigations when conflicts do arise, and using alternative methods for extrajudicial dispute resolution. By taking preventative measures and dealing with potential legal challenges, legal departments can help mitigate the negative impact of litigation on the company.

4. Increasing compliance rates

Compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies is of paramount importance for companies in various industries. The legal departments have a great responsibility for implementing and maintaining comprehensive compliance programs. This includes educating employees about their duties, closely monitoring compliance activities, and carrying out audits to ensure compliance with established standards. By actively striving to improve compliance rates, legal departments not only minimize the potential legal and reputational risks that non-compliance can entail, but also promote a culture of ethical conduct within the organization.

5. Increasing departmental efficiency

Improving the efficiency of legal departments can have a positive effect on a company's overall productivity. Legal departments can set measurable goals to increase efficiency by introducing technology solutions, automating repetitive tasks, and streamlining workflows. These measures streamline processes and reduce administrative burdens, allowing legal departments to spend more time and resources on strategic initiatives. Examples of such initiatives include providing proactive legal advice and supporting business growth.


Formulating clear and achievable goals for legal departments can initially seem difficult, as their work is very complex and diverse. However, with a strategic approach and the use of the SMART framework, this becomes a manageable undertaking. By setting measurable goals, not only can certain aspects such as legal costs and contract management be improved, but the efficiency and effectiveness of the legal department as a whole can also be increased. Ultimately, this contributes to the overall success of the entire company.

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