Definition of a Commercial Power of Attorney

A trade mandate is more than a simple piece of paper; it is a powerful tool in the world of trade and business. But what exactly does this term mean? A commercial power of attorney allows a person or organization to act on behalf of another person or company, whether to sell goods, represent in negotiations, or make business decisions.
A trade mandate is more than a simple piece of paper; it is a powerful tool in the world of trade and business. But what exactly does this term mean? A commercial power of attorney allows a person or organization to act on behalf of another person or company, whether to sell goods, represent in negotiations, or make business decisions.
Importance and Scope
In today's business world, which is becoming more and more complex, commercial power of attorney is becoming more and more central as a tool for efficiency and flexibility. Whether for a small business owner or a multinational corporation — this legal agreement helps to conduct business in accordance with internal requirements. As complexity increases, so does the number of agreements that have to be signed every year. If the managing director then has to sign all these documents himself, this can quickly lead to a bottleneck. The commercial power of attorney offers a solution here by paving the way for more business freedom without the managing director himself becoming an obstacle.
Benefits of the Signature Regime Via a Commercial Power of Attorney

The signature regime via a commercial power of attorney offers numerous advantages, particularly in the agile and fast-paced business world.
One of the key advantages is the ease of issuing a commercial power of attorney. In contrast to many other legal documents, a commercial power of attorney does not have to go through a notary's office or be entered in the commercial register. This means that companies have the opportunity to implement a trade mandate quickly and without bureaucratic hurdles. It makes it possible to delegate signature rights efficiently and at the same time offers flexibility and control. At a time when business decisions often have to be made quickly, the simple and uncomplicated handling of the commercial power of attorney can be a decisive factor for a company's success.
Other benefits include:
- Control and delegation: The management level maintains control over important business decisions and can delegate certain tasks to trustworthy employees at the same time.
- Efficiency: The clear allocation of signature rights speeds up business processes, as decisions can be made and implemented more quickly.
- Flexibility: The option to transfer signature rights temporarily or permanently offers flexibility and enables rapid adaptation to changing business conditions or market conditions.
- Legal certainty: An explicit regulation of signature rights minimizes legal risks by clearly defining who is authorized to represent the company and to what extent.
- Transparency: The clear documentation of signature rights ensures transparency within the company and with business partners, customers and regulatory authorities.
The correct regulation of signature rights is not just a formality, but a strategic element in business management. It strengthens trust, promotes agility and contributes to the smooth execution of business processes. In this sense, commercial power of attorney is not just an administrative tool, but an integral part of a successful business strategy.
Preparation and Use of the Commercial Power of Attorney
But how exactly is a trade power of attorney drawn up? What pitfalls need to be avoided? And what happens if the power of attorney has to be revoked? In this article, we'll take you on a journey through the world of commercial powers of attorney. We'll explore the different types, explain when they're necessary, and take you step-by-step through the process of creating them. Whether you're an experienced businessman or a budding entrepreneur, this guide provides you with the information you need to integrate this powerful tool into your business strategy.
Join us as we lift the curtain on the world of commercial powers of attorney. Here you will not only find theoretical knowledge, but also practical insights and examples to help you apply the topic in your own business world.
Types of Commercial Powers of Attorney

In business life, the careful allocation of commercial powers of attorney is crucial to protect the interests of the company and at the same time enable transactions.
The scope of the power of attorney should be issued following a defined process that takes into account the specific needs and risks. If such a process does not exist, the scope must be carefully limited to avoid unnecessary risks. Competencies must not be assigned unrestrictedly, but should always be limited to what is necessary for the respective situation. The ill-considered granting of powers of attorney can entail the risk that transactions will be concluded that are not in the interest of the company.
Section 54 of the Commercial Code (HGB) defines three specific forms of power of attorney, each of which confers different powers and responsibilities:
The General Negotiating Power of Attorney (General Power of Attorney)
This power of attorney is the most comprehensive form and authorises almost all transactions and legal acts in connection with a company. Despite the far-reaching powers, a number of commercial law restrictions must be observed. For example, transactions that affect the company's portfolio, such as the sale of land or the taking out of loans, are excluded. The general negotiating power of attorney is particularly suitable for smaller companies to grant key persons far-reaching powers without the need to enter a power of attorney in the commercial register.
The Power of Attorney
This is a specific power of attorney that authorizes employees to carry out specific types of transactions and acts that are defined in the power of attorney. The type of power of attorney is the most commonly used form of power of attorney and can relate to industry-standard transactions or a fixed financial framework. An example of this would be a junior sales manager who, thanks to such a power of attorney, is allowed to conclude sales contracts of up to 5,000 euros, while everything else falls within the responsibility of the senior sales manager.
The Power of Attorney for Special Action or Individual Action
This power of attorney only authorizes the authorized representative to perform individual, precisely defined acts or transactions. This is the most limited form of power of attorney, which is usually used for specific, one-time tasks. A practical example would be an entrepreneur instructing an employee to sell a specific pallet of printer paper.
Why Are Trade Powers of Attorney Required?
1. Legal powers
Trade powers of attorney enable companies to delegate certain powers and responsibilities to a person or unit, even temporarily. From a legal point of view, these authorized persons are thus able to act on behalf of the company. A clear definition of these powers via a commercial power of attorney creates legal certainty for the persons involved and enables the company to react flexibly to market conditions without always having to rely on the company's official representatives.
2. Compliance and Regulation
In today's complex business world, companies must comply with a wide range of laws and regulations. Trade powers of attorney play a central role in this. They can be used to employ experts with specialized knowledge to ensure that the company acts in compliance with all relevant regulations. This minimizes the risk of violations and the associated legal and financial consequences.
3. Risk management
The granting of trade powers of attorney is a key element in risk management. By delegating responsibilities and liability to qualified persons or entities, the company can minimize risks. A well-structured commercial power of attorney sets clear limits within which agents may act and protects the company from potentially adverse acts.
4. Special cases
Trade powers of attorney may also be required in special legal situations. Examples include company takeovers, joint ventures, insolvency proceedings or other complex transactions. In such cases, commercial powers of attorney allow efficient use by making it possible to transfer certain powers quickly and legally to those who have the necessary expertise and experience.
How Do You Issue a Commercial Power of Attorney?

BGB § 167 Granting of power of attorney
(1) The power of attorney is issued by declaration to the person to be authorized or to the third party against whom the representation is to take place.
(2) The declaration does not require the form intended for the legal transaction to which the power of attorney relates.
Creating a trade power of attorney requires care and understanding of legal requirements and business goals. Here are the key steps:
a. Type and form of grant
As with the power of attorney, the power of attorney is granted by a unilateral declaration of intent that requires receipt. This means that the person issuing the power of attorney must clearly express their intention and the declaration must be sent to the recipient, i.e. the authorized person. Unlike the power of attorney, the power of attorney can also be delegated by another agent, but this requires the consent of the owner of the commercial transaction. Furthermore, in contrast to the power of attorney, the owner of the trading transaction himself does not have to grant power of attorney in accordance with Section 54 I of the German Commercial Code. Granting is also possible by an appropriately authorized agent or by the authorized signatory.
It is also possible to grant power of attorney implicitly, i.e. through coherent action. If a party's actions clearly indicate that it recognizes the powers of a proxy, this can be interpreted as a power of attorney issued.
However, in most cases, it is better to set down a power of attorney in writing. The reason for this is that writing increases clarity and security. The exact scope of the power of attorney, any time limits and specific conditions can be clearly defined and documented. This avoids misunderstandings and disputes that could arise as a result of unclear or vague implied agreements. The written statement thus creates a solid basis for the relationship between proxy and representative and promotes trust in the business relationship.
b. Identification of the parties involved
It all starts with a clear identification of the parties involved. Who will grant the power of attorney and who will be the authorized person? The careful selection and identification of the parties involved is crucial for the effectiveness of a power of attorney. It helps to maintain the integrity of the business process and to minimize the risk of misunderstandings or legal disputes.
The proxy is the person or organization that gives power of attorney. The latter must have the right to issue the power of attorney. In many cases, this is the owner of a company or its legal representative. However, there may also be other persons in the company who have appropriate power of attorney or commercial powers of attorney. The ability to grant power of attorney is subject to certain legal conditions and requirements, and the proxy must ensure that he is entitled to do so.
Recipient of power of attorney
The recipient of the power of attorney is the person or entity who is given the authority to act on behalf of the proxy. The granting of a power of attorney represents a declaration of intent that requires receipt, i.e. it only becomes effective when it is received by the recipient. The recipient of the power of attorney is also obliged to accept the declaration of intent.
The power of attorney can also be given implicitly, for example through coherent action, but a written power of attorney signed by both sides ensures clear agreements. It documents the exact scope and any time limits of the power of attorney and ensures that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations.
c. Scope of authority
The Commercial Code (HGB) provides for various forms of powers of attorney, with the exact structure depending on the respective company situation. However, this section is not about the individual variants, but about the importance of precisely defining the scope of the power of attorney.
A clear regulation of the scope is essential to ensure that the power of attorney fulfils its intended purpose without creating unwanted risks. A power of attorney that is too far-reaching or ambiguous can enable transactions that are not in the interest of the company. Conversely, an overly restrictive power of attorney can unnecessarily restrict business activities.
The precise definition of the scope helps to avoid misunderstandings and allows both parties to manage the relationship on a solid legal basis. This underlines the need to carefully determine the scope of a power of attorney and to tailor it according to the specific needs of the owner's commercial sector. The scope should not be allocated unrestrictedly, but always on the basis of what is actually necessary to make the business possible without jeopardizing the integrity and interests of the company.
d. Involvement of legal professionals
In the case of complex or particularly important commercial powers of attorney, it may be useful to involve legal experts. Lawyers or notaries with experience in commercial law can provide valuable assistance to ensure that the power of attorney meets all legal requirements and effectively protects the company's business interests.
Creating a trade power of attorney is a process that requires care, understanding, and often legal expertise. By following these steps, a company can ensure that its trade powers of attorney are both legally sound and business-wise.
Documentation of a Commercial Power of Attorney

If entrepreneurs want to record the granting of a power of attorney in writing, there are two main options available to them:
Governing the Power of Attorney Over the Employment Contract
A detailed description of an employee's role and area of responsibility in the employment contract results in the corresponding power of attorney. This method has the advantage that no separate document is required to ensure legal certainty about an employee's powers. For example, entrepreneurs could specify in the contract exactly which transactions a sales representative may conclude or up to what amount a buyer may order goods. However, the expert advice is to regularly check whether the information still fits the employee's actual tasks, as roles can change quickly, especially in small companies.
Issue the Power of attorney Via a Separate Document
A power of attorney can also be issued by means of a separate document. This document should contain all important details, such as the type of power of attorney, the scope of the transactions and acts included, the proxy and taker, and the period of validity. This method provides a clearer delineation and allows for more flexible adjustment as needed.
It is recommended that the power of attorney be regulated in a separate document, as this method offers a clearer structure and better adaptability. This can be particularly useful when an employee's responsibilities and duties change or when specific legal conditions need to be considered. The separate documentation ensures that the power of attorney can be adjusted or revoked more easily if necessary, without having to change the entire employment contract.
In summary, documenting a power of attorney is an important step towards ensuring legal certainty and a clear definition of an employee's responsibilities and powers. The choice of method should be based on the individual needs and structure of each company.
Revocation of a Commercial Power of Attorney
The revocation of a trade power of attorney is an important but often complex issue that requires careful attention. The following points shed light on the process and the legal basis of revocation.
BGB § 168 Expiration of power of attorney - The expiry of the power of attorney is determined by the legal relationship underlying its granting. The power of attorney is revocable even if the legal relationship continues to exist, unless otherwise provided for by this. The provision of Section 167 (1) applies mutatis mutandis to the declaration of revocation.
Withdrawal conditions
The expiry of the commercial power of attorney is governed by the underlying legal relationship (Section 168 BGB). For example, an employee's power of representation expires when the employment relationship expires, provided that the power of attorney was granted within the framework of the same. However, the power of attorney is revocable even if the legal relationship persists, unless the legal relationship stipulates otherwise.
Withdrawal procedure
The revocation of a commercial power of attorney is a declaration of intent that requires receipt and only becomes effective when it is received by the recipient of the declaration. The type of declaration of withdrawal depends on how the power of attorney was issued. If it has been declared to the authorized representative, the revocation must also be made to the authorized representative. In Germany, when issued to a third party, the revocation must be addressed to that person accordingly, and the power of attorney remains effective vis-à-vis this third party until the expiry date is notified to him by the proxy (Section 170 BGB). In the event of public announcement, the power of representation remains in force until it is revoked in the same way (Section 171 BGB).
BGB § 170 Period of validity of the power of attorney - If the power of attorney is granted by declaration to a third party, it remains in force vis-à-vis the third party until the power of attorney is notified to him of its expiry.
Possible consequences
Withdrawals must be handled with care. If a power of attorney has been issued, the power of representation remains in effect until the power of attorney certificate is returned to the proxy or declared invalid (Section 172 BGB). Errors in the revocation process could result in legal complications and ambiguities in the course of business.
The revocation of a commercial power of attorney requires a deep understanding of the underlying legal framework and the right process. By complying with legal requirements, companies can ensure that the revocation process runs smoothly and without undesired consequences.
Pitfalls and common mistakes with powers of attorney

When dealing with powers of attorney, various errors and pitfalls can occur, which may have undesired legal or business consequences. Careful attention to the following points will help to avoid such problems:
- Inaccurate scope of power of attorney: The lack of a clear definition of the scope of the power of attorney can lead to ambiguities and legal disputes.
- Lack of authorization on the part of the proxy: If the proxy does not have the necessary authority to issue a power of attorney, this is invalid.
- Inadequate documentation: The lack of a written agreement or inadequate documentation of the power of attorney can lead to misunderstandings and legal difficulties.
- Misuse of power of attorney: Without appropriate monitoring and control, the authorized representative may exceed or misuse his powers.
- Unclear time limit: Missing or unclear information on the period of validity of the power of attorney can lead to uncertainties and legal challenges.